How would I show my work to the math problem? 6 friends share 4 pear?

You show your work as I showed you in the last post.

4 pears divided by 6 people = 4/6


4/6 = 2/3 of a pear for each person.

Thanks you for your help I understand now

Three people share 3 kites

To show your work for the math problem "6 friends share 4 pears," you can follow these steps:

1. Define the problem: The problem states that there are 6 friends and 4 pears to be shared among them.

2. Determine the quotient: Divide the 4 pears by the 6 friends to find out how many pears each friend will receive. Perform the division: 4 ÷ 6 = 0.67 (rounded).

3. Express the answer: Since you cannot have a fraction of a pear, you'll need to express the answer in a way that makes sense. In this case, it would be best to round down to the nearest whole number. Thus, each friend will receive 0 pears.

4. Write out the solution: You can show your work by writing down the equation and the steps you took to solve it. This would look like:
4 ÷ 6 = 0.67 (rounded to two decimal places)
Rounded down, each friend receives 0 pears.

By following these steps and documenting your thought process, you can effectively show your work for the math problem.