In “Adventures of Isabel,” how is the doctor different from Isabel’s other enemies—the bear, the witch, and the giant? (1 point)

He is nice to her.
He frightens her.
He gets killed.
He may be real.

I think its either the first one or the last one not 100% n this Thanks


To determine the difference between the doctor and Isabel's other enemies in the poem "Adventures of Isabel," you might need to analyze the text and the interactions between Isabel and these characters.

First, let's consider the doctor. In the poem, Isabel encounters a number of enemies, including a bear, a witch, a giant, and a doctor. While the bear, witch, and giant all pose threats to Isabel and frighten her, the doctor's behavior is different.

To find evidence supporting the idea that the doctor is nice to Isabel, you can look for lines in the poem that describe their interaction. For instance, if the poem mentions the doctor being kind, helping Isabel, or not harming her, these would suggest that the doctor is nice to her.

On the other hand, to find evidence that the doctor could be real, you can examine the descriptive language used in the poem. Does the poem use language that makes the doctor seem real or human-like? Are there any lines that describe the doctor in a way that suggests they could be an actual person?

By analyzing the text and focusing on the interactions and descriptions, you should be able to determine whether the doctor is nice to Isabel or if the doctor may be real.