Which of the following process skills is generally more important for use with older children?

A. Observing
B. Communicating
C. Classifying
D. Predicting


What do you mean by older children? 5-years old? 10-years old? 15- years old?

This is the question I have.It make's me confuse to.

What age children are you studying? Which age were the last couple of questions about?

preschool to 12 year old

Probably C is your best answer. Check your book to make sure it's not D.

I think this is a bad question. Preschool to age 12 children should be encouraged to use all of those skills.

exactly I was thinking the same.

Thank you Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Dolores.

To determine which process skill is generally more important for use with older children, you can start by familiarizing yourself with each of the skills and their definitions.

Process skills are cognitive abilities that individuals use to interact with and navigate the world around them. They involve using specific mental processes to understand, analyze, and solve problems.

Let's examine each of the options:

A. Observing: This skill involves using the senses to perceive and gather information about the environment. It includes paying attention to details, making observations, and collecting data.

B. Communicating: Communication skills involve both verbal and non-verbal expression. They allow individuals to convey information, ideas, and feelings effectively.

C. Classifying: Classifying is the ability to group objects, events, or ideas based on their similarities or shared characteristics. It involves identifying patterns, organizing information, and categorizing based on criteria.

D. Predicting: Predicting involves using existing information and knowledge to make informed guesses or forecasts about future events or outcomes.

Now, considering the question, which process skill is generally more important for use with older children?

The answer is C. Classifying. Classifying is an essential cognitive skill that becomes increasingly important as children grow older and encounter more complex information and concepts. The ability to classify helps older children organize, make sense of, and analyze the vast amount of knowledge and information they encounter. It also aids in the development of critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.

While all of the process skills are valuable, classifying stands out as particularly important for older children due to its role in cognitive development and understanding more abstract and advanced concepts.

So, based on the information provided, the correct answer is C. Classifying.