Why do kinship systems work? Where, if any, would you find a working kinship system within the United States? Give examples for both question

First be sure you understand what is meant by kinship systems. Study your book carefully. This site may also help.


As I understand the term, most of us are in a kinship system with spouses, children, parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles and aunts.

The book/internet got me confuse on this.1.In every culture, cultural constructs will be found. What are the cultural constructs found in the U.S., and how are they used to define gender in society? Compare gender constructs in Pastoralist societies. What differences do you find between the United States and a Pastoralist society

Kinship systems work because they are fundamental social structures that help organize and regulate relationships between individuals and groups in societies. They provide a framework for familial relationships, roles, obligations, and rights. Kinship systems offer several advantages, such as promoting cooperation, providing emotional support, facilitating resource sharing, and establishing social hierarchies.

Within the United States, a working kinship system can be found within Native American communities. Native American tribes have their own unique kinship systems that vary between tribes, but generally emphasize strong family ties and a sense of communal responsibility. For example, the Navajo tribe in the southwestern United States has a patrilineal kinship system that traces descent through the male line. The tribe places great importance on the extended family, with multiple generations living together and sharing resources and responsibilities.

Another example of a working kinship system in the United States is seen in immigrant communities. These communities often maintain strong ties to their cultural heritage and maintain traditional kinship systems within their communities. For instance, within Chinese-American communities, there is a strong emphasis on extended family networks, filial piety, and maintaining ancestral connections. Families often live in close proximity and have regular gatherings and celebrations to reinforce kinship ties.

Overall, the existence and functionality of kinship systems can be found throughout the United States and across various cultural groups, each with their own unique customs and practices.