Please check each of my answers from these short stories in "The House On Mango Street". Please correct me if I'm wrong!

"Meme Ortiz"
2. What does the fact that Meme and his dog both have two names reveal about the neighborhood?
A. People are desperately poor so they use their imaginations more than their wealthy neighbors do
B. The neighborhood is a dangerous place, so most people have an alias ( alternative identity) to prevent others from finding out too much about them
C. The neighborhood is a blend of two cultures (Latin American and American)
D. The neighbors are too busy to actually learn eachothers names so they tend to call each other the wrong name
I chose A

I disagree.

What kind of neighborhood is this -- besides being poor?

To check if your answer is correct, let's closely analyze the text and reason through the information provided in the story.

In the short story "Meme Ortiz" from "The House On Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros, we learn that Meme Ortiz and his dog both have two names. Meme is also known as Juan.

Now, let's go through each option and see if it aligns with the information given:

A. People are desperately poor, so they use their imaginations more than their wealthy neighbors do.
This option does not directly correspond to the fact that Meme and his dog have two names. Although poverty is a theme in the book, it does not explain why Meme and his dog have two names.

B. The neighborhood is a dangerous place, so most people have an alias (alternative identity) to prevent others from finding out too much about them.
This option is not directly supported in the story. The given information does not suggest that the neighborhood is dangerous or that Meme and his dog have two names for their safety.

C. The neighborhood is a blend of two cultures (Latin American and American).
This option seems to be the most relevant to the information in the story. The blending of two cultures could explain the use of two names for Meme and his dog, reflecting their heritage and assimilation into American culture.

D. The neighbors are too busy to actually learn each other's names, so they tend to call each other the wrong name.
This option is not directly supported by the story. There is no indication or evidence to suggest that Meme and his dog have two names because their neighbors are too busy to learn their actual names.

Based on the information in the story and the analysis of the options, it appears that option C is the most appropriate answer. Therefore, your choice of A as the answer seems incorrect.

The correct answer is C. The fact that Meme Ortiz and his dog both have two names reveals that the neighborhood is a blend of two cultures (Latin American and American).