How does SOX affected the business environment from the article The Enron Fallout Fell Out Years Ago?....

my answer...Many employees lost their jobs

To find out how the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) affected the business environment from the article "The Enron Fallout Fell Out Years Ago," you will need to read and analyze the article.

First, locate the article you are referring to, "The Enron Fallout Fell Out Years Ago." You can do this by performing a keyword search using the title of the article on a search engine or by visiting a relevant news or research website.

Once you have found the article, carefully read through it to gather information about the impact of SOX on the business environment. Look for specific details or examples given in the article that highlight how SOX affected businesses.

In the context of Enron's fallout, one possible impact of SOX might be the increased regulations and compliance requirements placed on businesses to prevent accounting and reporting fraud. It is important to look for evidence or statements in the article that support this or any other claims regarding the effects of SOX.

While a specific answer cannot be provided without reading the actual article, one possible consequence mentioned in relation to Enron's fallout could be that many employees lost their jobs as a result of the company's collapse and subsequent changes in the business environment.

Remember, it is crucial to rely on reliable and credible sources when analyzing the impact of SOX or any other regulation on the business environment.