You are wallpapering a 10-foot long wall. The wall is 10 feet high, and without doors and windows. The solid-colored wallpaper you've selected is 30 inches wide and comes in 20-foot rolls.

How many widths of paper will it take to cover the wall? How many rolls of wallpaper must you buy to get this total length?

width is 10*12 = 120 inches

So, it takes 120/4 widths

Since the wall is an exact number of widths, we just need to figure the length to find the rolls.

10*12*4 = 480 in long
so, we need 480/(20*12) = 2 rolls

Makes sense, since each roll does 2 strips, and we need 4 strips.

To determine how many widths of paper will be needed to cover the wall, we need to calculate the number of strips that will be required.

First, convert the width of the wallpaper from inches to feet:
30 inches ÷ 12 = 2.5 feet

Next, we calculate the number of widths of paper required by dividing the length of the wall by the width of each strip:
10 feet ÷ 2.5 feet = 4 widths of paper

Therefore, it will take 4 widths of paper to cover the wall.

To determine the number of rolls of wallpaper needed, we divide the total length required by the length of each roll:

Since each roll is 20 feet long, and we need 10 feet to cover the wall, we divide the total length (10) by the length of each roll (20):
10 feet ÷ 20 feet = 0.5 rolls

However, since we cannot purchase half a roll, we would need to round up to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, you would need to buy 1 roll of wallpaper to get the total length required to cover the wall.