The distance between -2 and 4 on the number line can be found by which expression?

What are your choices? What is your answer?

you must choose the correct answer and then choose the correct solution to get the rigth result never go left you wanna go the rigth way cayse that is the rigth way to go. so always pick the correct solution so the result is positive. Hope this helped if you need more help then call me at 08.999.45-TUTOR im available at 4pm to 4.01pm in alaska. please always mastubrate daily to boost your confidence

To find the distance between -2 and 4 on the number line, we can use the absolute value function. The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line. So, the expression that can be used to find the distance between -2 and 4 is:

|4 - (-2)|

By subtracting -2 from 4, we get 6. Taking the absolute value of 6 gives us the final answer:

|4 - (-2)| = |6| = 6

Therefore, the expression that can be used to find the distance between -2 and 4 on the number line is |4 - (-2)|, which equals 6.