Look at these two groups, Ju�Œhoansi (Dobe), Kalahari Desert, a foraging group & Zuni�fs, American Southwest, a horticultural group. Compare and contrast the two groups regarding their subsistence patterns and divisions of labor

Read, read, read.



2.Subsistence patterns define a societies division in labor. Look at these two groups, Ju�Œhoansi (Dobe), Kalahari Desert, a foraging group & Zuni�fs, American Southwest, a horticultural group. Compare and contrast the two groups regarding their subsistence patterns and divisions of labor

To compare and contrast the Ju�Œhoansi (Dobe) group from the Kalahari Desert, a foraging group, with the Zuni�fs from the American Southwest, a horticultural group, regarding their subsistence patterns and divisions of labor, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the Ju�Œhoansi (Dobe) foraging group:
- Start by finding reliable sources such as anthropological studies, books, or journals that specifically discuss the Ju�Œhoansi group.
- Look for information on their subsistence patterns, including what they rely on for food, such as hunting, gathering, or fishing.
- Understand their relationship with the environment, specifically how they interact with the Kalahari Desert and its resources.
- Determine how the Ju�Œhoansi group organizes their labor and division of tasks within their society.

2. Research the Zuni�fs horticultural group:
- Look for reliable sources that provide information about the Zuni�fs and their subsistence patterns.
- Understand their horticultural practices, such as the types of crops they cultivate and the techniques they employ.
- Learn about their relationship with the environment, including how they utilize resources like water, land, and plants.
- Investigate how the Zuni�fs divide labor within their society and assign tasks related to horticulture.

3. Compare the two groups' subsistence patterns:
- Analyze and compare the primary means by which each group obtains food and sustenance.
- Identify any similarities or differences in their hunting, gathering, fishing, or horticultural practices.
- Look for clues about their seasonal patterns or mobility that might impact their subsistence strategies.

4. Contrast the groups' divisions of labor:
- Examine how each group organizes its labor and assigns roles and responsibilities.
- Compare the gender division of labor, looking for any distinct roles and tasks performed by men and women in each group.
- Consider whether there are specialized skill sets or knowledge associated with particular tasks.

5. Summarize the similarities and differences:
- Compile the key similarities and differences between the Ju�Œhoansi (Dobe) group and the Zuni�fs group regarding subsistence patterns and divisions of labor.
- Present your findings in a clear and organized manner, highlighting the distinct characteristics of each group.

Remember, accurate and reliable sources are crucial to ensure you have access to credible information about both groups.