If an airplane is traveling at 900 km/hr and slows to 450km/hr in 2.5 minutes. What is the plane's acceleration?

Acceleration = [ (final velocity) - (initial velocity) ] / (time elapsed)

Make sure you have "like" units. In this case, convert the 2.5 min to hrs and plug everything into the equaiton.

a = [450km/hr - 900 km/hr]/2.5 minutes

a = [-450km/hr]/2.5 minutes
a= [-450km/hr]/0.416 hrs
a = -10817.31km/hr2

is that correct?

To calculate the acceleration of the airplane, we need to use the formula:

Acceleration = (Final velocity - Initial velocity) / Time

Initial velocity (u) = 900 km/hr
Final velocity (v) = 450 km/hr
Time (t) = 2.5 minutes

First, we need to convert time from minutes to hours since the velocity is given in km/hr.

1 hour = 60 minutes

Therefore, 2.5 minutes is equal to 2.5/60 hours.

Now, we can substitute the values into the formula:

Acceleration = (450 km/hr - 900 km/hr) / (2.5/60 hr)

Simplifying, we get:

Acceleration = (450 - 900) / (2.5/60)
Acceleration = (-450) / (2.5/60)

To simplify further, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by 60 to get rid of the fraction in the denominator:

Acceleration = (-450 * 60) / 2.5
Acceleration = -10800 / 2.5
Acceleration = -4320 km/hr^2

Therefore, the acceleration of the airplane is -4320 km/hr^2. The negative sign indicates that the airplane is decelerating.