Insert parenthesis in each expression to make a true equation.

A) 5-2*6-4+2=5

B) 22-32-5*3-6=30

I really need help I have been doing this homework for about 2 hours and me and my mom never found where to put parenthesis
Thank you in advance

Ok: (5-2)*(6-(4+2)= 11

5-(2*6-(4+2)= -11


Ok and these are my attempts no success help: (5-2)*(6-(4+2)= 11



Still thinkin' on the other one

ok thanks

Sure, I'll help you solve these equations by inserting parentheses to make them true.

A) 5 - 2 * 6 - 4 + 2 = 5

To find where to put the parentheses, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS), which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

First, let's address the multiplication. Multiplication has higher precedence, so we need to evaluate it first. We have 2 * 6, which equals 12.

Now, the equation becomes: 5 - 12 - 4 + 2 = 5

Next, we can perform the subtraction from left to right.

5 - 12 = -7. The equation now becomes: -7 - 4 + 2 = 5

Continuing with the subtraction, -7 - 4 = -11.

The equation now becomes: -11 + 2 = 5

Lastly, we perform the addition, -11 + 2 = -9.

The equation becomes: -9 = 5.

Since this equation is not true, it is not possible to insert parentheses to make it true.

Now let's move on to the second equation.

B) 22 - 32 - 5 * 3 - 6 = 30

Once again, we'll follow the order of operations.

First, let's address the multiplication. 5 * 3 = 15.

Now, the equation becomes: 22 - 32 - 15 - 6 = 30

Next, we perform the subtraction from left to right.

22 - 32 = -10

Now, the equation becomes -10 - 15 - 6 = 30

Continuing with the subtraction, -10 - 15 = -25.

The equation now becomes: -25 - 6 = 30

Lastly, we perform the subtraction, -25 - 6 = -31.

The equation becomes: -31 = 30.

Since this equation is also not true, it is not possible to insert parentheses to make it true.

In both cases, it seems that it is not possible to insert the parentheses in a way that would make the equations true. Double-check the original expressions and make sure they were written correctly or verify if the equation has additional constraints.