Evaluate the following expression.

Can you explain how to get the answer to this question please.
[15 + 6 x(15-13)]divide by 9

Thank you for your time

(15 + 12) / 9 = 3

how to we answer 20+(2+7-4

To evaluate the given expression [15 + 6 x (15-13)] ÷ 9, you need to follow the order of operations or the BEDMAS rule (Brackets, Exponents, Division and Multiplication, and Addition and Subtraction).

Step 1: Start by evaluating the expression within the brackets.
(15-13) = 2

The expression now becomes:
[15 + 6 x 2] ÷ 9

Step 2: Perform the multiplication.
6 x 2 = 12

The expression now becomes:
[15 + 12] ÷ 9

Step 3: Perform the addition.
15 + 12 = 27

The expression now becomes:
27 ÷ 9

Step 4: Perform the division.
27 ÷ 9 = 3

Therefore, the answer to the given expression is 3.