One feature of a less developed nation is

high infant mortality rates
high levels of modernization
high levels of industrialization
high per capita income

not sure

Look up all of the unfamiliar terms. The answer is obvious.

Now, now! You're smart, you can figure out that "less developed" means less of things that "more developed" nations might have, like industry, modern amenities (water and sewage treatment, internet, telephones, etc.) and high incomes. But with less of some things we think of as essential the infant mortality rate is high, as in less medical sophistication.

high infant mortality rates

To determine which feature is characteristic of a less developed nation, we can analyze each option.

1. High infant mortality rates: This refers to the number of infants who die before reaching their first birthday. In less developed nations, infant mortality rates are typically higher due to factors such as limited access to healthcare, poor sanitation, and inadequate nutrition.

2. High levels of modernization: Modernization typically refers to the adoption of advanced technologies and the restructuring of social, economic, and political systems. Generally, less developed nations tend to have lower levels of modernization compared to more developed nations.

3. High levels of industrialization: Industrialization is the process of transforming an economy from primarily agricultural to one based on manufacturing and industry. While industrialization can be a sign of development, less developed nations often have limited industrialization due to factors like insufficient infrastructure and technology.

4. High per capita income: Per capita income refers to the average income of individuals in a country. Higher per capita income is typically associated with more developed nations, whereas less developed nations tend to have lower per capita income.

Considering these explanations, the feature that is characteristic of a less developed nation is high infant mortality rates.