Can we use لي with rational nouns.

eg. لي كتاب
Or else only with non rational nouns.
eg: لي اخ واحد

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lii means I have but its used more for things not people. Also I would say its not the best word to use. You should use the word 3ndi. it means the same thing but you can use it more and it makes more sense

Yes, the word لي (li) can be used with rational nouns, which refers to nouns that represent living beings or animate objects, such as people, animals, or plants.

In your example, لي كتاب (li kitab), لي (li) means "I have" or "to me" and كتاب (kitab) means "book". So the phrase لي كتاب (li kitab) translates to "I have a book" or "To me, there is a book".

Similarly, لي اخ واحد (li akh wahid) means "I have one brother" or "To me, there is one brother". Here, لي (li) means "I have" or "to me" and اخ (akh) means "brother" and واحد (wahid) means "one".

Therefore, لي (li) can be used with both rational and non-rational nouns to indicate possession or ownership.