in order for text wrap words around picture, you need to do what?

In the picture menu, choose the wrap selection you want.

Do you want it to wrap around the whole boxed picture? Do you want it to wrap around the shape instead of the box?

You must go into your program's menus and figure out which command you need.

In Word there's a function that does that. It depends on the software program you are using. I'm sure Mac software, Adobe, etc. are all a little different.

To wrap text around a picture, you generally need to follow these steps:

1. Insert the picture: Start by inserting the picture into your document or editing software. This can typically be done by selecting "Insert" or "Image" from the menu and choosing the desired picture file.

2. Adjust the position: Once the picture is inserted, position it within the document or design. You can usually drag and drop the picture to the desired location.

3. Set text wrapping options: Select the picture, then locate the "Text Wrapping" or "Wrap Text" option in your software's formatting toolbar or menu. This is where you can choose how to wrap the text around the picture. The available options vary depending on the software you're using, but common choices include "Square," "Tight," "Top and Bottom," "Inline," or "Through."

4. Adjust text wrapping settings: Depending on the chosen text wrapping option, you may have additional settings to adjust. For example, you might be able to set the distance between the picture and the text, or choose to have the text wrap around both sides of the picture or just one side.

5. Test and refine: After applying the text wrapping settings, review how the wrapped text looks in your document or design. Make any necessary adjustments to the picture position, text wrapping style, or other formatting to achieve the desired result.

Note: The specific steps and terminology may vary slightly depending on the software you are using. It's always a good idea to consult the documentation or help resources for your specific software if you encounter any difficulties.