Javier rides his bicycle at a rate of 15 miles per hour. How many feet are in 15 miles?

15 * 5,280 = ?

1 mile = 5,280 ft.

5,280 ft. * 15 miles = 79,200 ft.

thank u


well it helpd it was not 100% whut i needed

To find out how many feet are in 15 miles, we need to know the conversion factor between miles and feet. Since 1 mile is equal to 5,280 feet, we can use this conversion factor to calculate the answer.

To convert miles to feet, we can multiply the distance in miles by the conversion factor. Therefore, to find the number of feet in 15 miles, we do the following calculation:

15 miles * 5,280 feet/mile = 79,200 feet.

Therefore, there are 79,200 feet in 15 miles.