Diane Wood, a U.S. Court of Appeals Judge, once remarked, "Neither laws nor the procedures used to create or Implement them should be secret" What would be the main problem with making or enforcing laws in secret?

It invites too much criticism from ordinary citizens***

It allows landmarks to act outside the rule of law

It take power away from those who most need it

It requires public access, which can be hard to mange

i dont get it what is the darn answer]

The main problem with making or enforcing laws in secret is that it invites too much criticism from ordinary citizens. When laws and the procedures used to create or implement them are kept secret, it creates a lack of transparency. This lack of transparency can lead to suspicion and mistrust among the public, as they may feel that decisions are being made without their knowledge or input.

Openness and transparency in the legislative and legal processes are essential for maintaining the integrity of the system and ensuring that laws are fair and just. Allowing laws and their procedures to be secret would undermine the principles of democracy and rule of law, as it would give those in power the ability to act outside the scrutiny of the public.

Moreover, making or enforcing laws in secret takes power away from those who most need it. Laws exist to protect the rights and interests of individuals and society as a whole. When laws are not open to public scrutiny, it hampers the ability of the public to hold those in power accountable and advocate for their own interests.

While public access to laws and legal procedures can be challenging to manage, it is necessary for a functioning democratic society. Efforts should be made to ensure that the public has access to information about laws and their creation and implementation, as it allows for informed participation and helps to maintain a system that is fair and just.

I think you're right, again!

Thanks a lot, for your time + help

yeah your the best Ms. Sue