When president Obama started, "Transparency and the rule of law will be the touch stones of this presidencies, " he meant that

No person in his administration will be above those laws governing all citizens ***

His cabinet 's polices will be based strictly on regulations

His administration will adopt the rule of law, previously applied only to private citizens

His administration's polices will be based solely on statutes

Right again!


yay! Thanks a bunch

You're very welcome.

When President Obama said, "Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency," he meant that his administration would prioritize openness and accountability. To understand the meaning behind this statement, it's important to consider the context and underlying principles.

The phrase "transparency" implies that the administration would strive to provide access to information and decision-making processes. This means ensuring that government actions and decisions are not shrouded in secrecy, but rather are open to public scrutiny. Citizens have the right to be aware of what their government is doing and hold it accountable.

The expression "rule of law" refers to the principle that everyone, including government officials, must abide by the laws of the land. It means no one is above the law, and all individuals, regardless of their position or influence, must be subject to the same legal framework. By emphasizing the rule of law, President Obama intended to assure that his administration would act within constitutional boundaries and respect the fundamental rights of every citizen.

So, when President Obama stated that transparency and the rule of law would be the touchstones of his presidency, he meant that his administration would prioritize openness, accountability, and equal application of laws to everyone, including government officials.