What tells you that the speaker is using stream of consciousness in the passage from Pedro Paramos?

A. the speaker’s recollection about sleeping with her mother

B. the uncertainty about the speaker’s actual situation

C. the speaker’s concern that she didn’t show appropriate grief at her mother’s death

D. the detailed description of the ripening limes, the sparrows, and the February wind

Hi there! The answer is D.

its not b then.

I haven't read Pedro Paramos, but I doubt if D is the answer.

B looks like the best answer.

To determine if the speaker is using stream of consciousness in the passage from Pedro Paramos, we need to understand what stream of consciousness means. Stream of consciousness is a narrative technique that presents the flow of thoughts, feelings, and impressions of a character in an uninterrupted and unfiltered manner. It aims to capture the inner workings of a character's mind in a nonlinear and often fragmented way.

Now that we know what stream of consciousness is, let's analyze the options to identify the features that align with it:

A. The speaker’s recollection about sleeping with her mother: While this could be a personal memory, it doesn't necessarily indicate the stream of consciousness technique.

B. The uncertainty about the speaker’s actual situation: Uncertainty about one's situation is a common theme in stream of consciousness, as it reflects the constant flow of thoughts and lack of a clear narrative structure. This aligns with the characteristics of stream of consciousness.

C. The speaker’s concern that she didn’t show appropriate grief at her mother’s death: While this reveals the speaker's emotional state, it doesn't directly relate to the stream of consciousness technique.

D. The detailed description of the ripening limes, the sparrows, and the February wind: A key feature of stream of consciousness is the inclusion of vivid and descriptive details from the character's surroundings. This option, with its detailed descriptions, aligns with the stream of consciousness technique.

After careful analysis, option D, the detailed description of the ripening limes, the sparrows, and the February wind, is the most indicative of the stream of consciousness technique. It reflects the character's perception of their surroundings, capturing the spontaneous flow of their thoughts.