Chemical analysis of the DNA of a virus from Mars reveals that it has 48% A, 48% T, and 4% G, Suggest some possible structures for this DNA.

I don't quite understand this question. All i can come to think about is that A pairs with T evenly and there will be G leaving out

The given information states that the DNA of the virus from Mars has 48% A, 48% T, and 4% G. Based on the principles of DNA structure, we know that A pairs with T and G pairs with C. In a DNA molecule, the amount of A always equals the amount of T, and the amount of G always equals the amount of C.

Therefore, if the DNA of the virus has 48% A, we can conclude that it also has 48% T. Since G makes up 4% of the DNA, C must also have the same percentage.

Considering this information, we can propose a possible structure for this DNA:

A = 48%
T = 48%
G = 4%
C = 4%

One possible structure could be:


Remember, the given percentages only represent the relative abundances of each base in the DNA sequence. The exact arrangement of these bases within the DNA molecule is not known based on the information provided. This is just one possible structure that satisfies the given percentages.