Is it better if canadian dollar has high value or low value for canada. I think high value is better. But I'm not sure

We had this discussion in class once. Our teacher told us it would end up being worse for Canada as U.S is our main trading partner. U.S would decrease trade as they'd find our price for goods to high. So it would affect is negatively as we are not exporting much

Oh sorry, I thought you said Canadian dollar vs American dollar.

The value of a currency, such as the Canadian dollar, can have both positive and negative effects on a country's economy. Whether a high or low value is better for Canada depends on several factors.

1. Exports: A low-value Canadian dollar can be beneficial for Canadian exporters. When the Canadian dollar is low, foreign currencies can buy more Canadian goods, making Canadian products relatively cheaper and more attractive in international markets. This can boost export demand and help Canadian businesses expand their reach globally.

2. Imports: On the other hand, a high-value Canadian dollar is advantageous for Canadian consumers who purchase imported goods. With a strong currency, imports become relatively cheaper, allowing consumers to access a wider variety of goods at more competitive prices. This can contribute to lower consumer prices and greater purchasing power for Canadians.

3. Inflation and Interest Rates: A lower Canadian dollar can potentially lead to increased inflation because it makes imported goods more expensive. This can impact the cost of living for Canadians and reduce the buying power of their income. Conversely, a stronger Canadian dollar can help keep inflation in check by reducing the cost of imports.

4. Tourism and Travel: A weaker Canadian dollar can benefit the tourism industry as it makes traveling to Canada more affordable for foreign visitors. A higher influx of tourists can lead to increased spending on accommodations, dining, and various services, boosting the local economy and creating jobs.

It's essential to consider that the value of a currency is influenced by numerous factors, including interest rates, inflation, government policies, and market sentiment. The Canadian government and central bank actively participate in managing the value of the Canadian dollar through various monetary policies.

Ultimately, whether a high or low value is better for Canada depends on the country's economic goals, its reliance on exports or imports, inflation targets, and various other economic conditions at a given point in time.