Q#1-josh just put new tires on his car. if the wheels have a diameter of 14 inches, determine how far will the wheels travel in 3 revolution, to the nearest hundredth?

Q#2-Melanie wants to put ribbon around the circumference of a circular section of the park. Ribbon comes in rolls of 40 feet. The radius of the section of the park is 100 feet. How many rolls of ribbon should Melanie buy?
Q#3-Rodney made a sign for his math teacher in a shape of a circle. The sign has a circumference of 43.96 inches, what would be the area of the sign to the nearest whole inch?
Q#4- how many 6-inch cookies would equal the same amount as one 12- inch cookie?
Q#5 Rhodes ordered a pizza that has diameter of 8 inches.
A. If Rhodes ate 1/4 of the pizza, how many square inches of pizza did he eat to the nearest tenth?
B. How many square inches of the pizza are left, to the nearest tenth?

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

Well I just needed help solve each of these problems that's all

Q. 1. Multiply the circumference by 3.

Q. 2. Divide the circumference by 40.

After you post your answers to those problems, I'll check them.

On #1 I got 131.88

And on #2 I got 25,120

On number two I got 15.7

On number two I got 15.7 - yes

On number two I got 15.7 - yes -- but you can't buy seven-tenths of a roll,

(43.96 / 3.14) / 2 = r

A = pi * r^2

I'll be glad to check your last two answers.

So would it be about 16 rolls of ribbon or 15

If you bought only 15 rolls, you'd be about 9 inches short.

So 16 is the correct answer
