How do I fix this sentence to create parallel structure?

The university is one of the largest employers in the community, bring in substantial business, and the cultural impact is also big.

Here are two ways to correct it.

The university is one of the largest employers in the community, brings in substantial business, and impacts the culture.

The university, one of the largest employers in the community, brings in substantial business and also positively impacts the culture.

Since when did impact switch from being a noun to a verb? I know, slang becomes common usage... The language is always changing... Impact as a verb sounds like a traffic accident, though.

Impact is listed as a verb, both transitive and intransitive, in my unabridged 1981 edition of Webster's Third New International Dictionary. It cites references using impact as a verb 50 years before that.

I am suitably chastened for not looking it up myself. But I still don't like it! LOL Sara, if you are still watching this, take note. Engage brain before tongue (or fingers).

To fix the sentence and create parallel structure, you need to make sure that all the elements listed in the sentence share the same grammatical form. In this case, you should use the present tense for each item in the list. Here's the revised sentence:

"The university is one of the largest employers in the community, brings in substantial business, and has a significant cultural impact."

Here's how you can implement the parallel structure to fix the sentence:

1. "The university is one of the largest employers in the community" - This part of the sentence is already correct.

2. "Brings in substantial business" - Change "bring" to "brings." This ensures that the verb form matches the other items in the list.

3. "The cultural impact is also big" - Change "is" to "has." This change creates parallel structure by using the same verb form ("brings" and "has") for both items in the list.

Remember, when creating parallel structure, you want to use the same grammatical form for all the items in a list to make them consistent.