How2 convert CH3OH into CH3CH2OH

I asked this question & wanna know ANS


To convert CH3OH (methanol) into CH3CH2OH (ethanol), we need to replace one of the hydrogen atoms with an ethyl group (-CH2CH3).

Here's one possible method to convert methanol into ethanol:

1. Start by preparing reagents for the reaction: methanol (CH3OH), concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and anhydrous sodium sulfate (Na2SO4).

2. Set up a distillation apparatus, which consists of a round-bottom flask, a condenser, and a collection flask. Make sure all the components are connected properly.

3. Pour methanol (CH3OH) into the round-bottom flask. Add the concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) dropwise while stirring. The sulfuric acid acts as a catalyst for the reaction.

4. Heat the mixture gently using a heat source. The reaction takes place at around 65-70°C. Be cautious not to overheat the mixture, as it may cause unwanted byproducts or decomposition of the desired product.

5. As the reaction progresses, CH3OH will start to vaporize. The resulting vapor will travel up the distillation apparatus and reach the condenser, where it will condense.

6. Ethanol (CH3CH2OH), being less volatile than methanol, will condense at a higher temperature. As the temperature rises, you will observe the collection of CH3CH2OH in the collection flask while leaving behind some unreacted CH3OH.

7. Once you have collected a sufficient amount of CH3CH2OH, stop heating and let the reaction mixture cool down.

8. To ensure no traces of water or remaining sulfuric acid are present, you should dry the obtained CH3CH2OH. To do this, add anhydrous sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) to the collection flask and swirl gently. The sodium sulfate will absorb any remaining water, and the mixture can be left to settle.

9. Carefully decant the dried CH3CH2OH from the collection flask, leaving behind the sodium sulfate.

10. You have now successfully converted CH3OH into CH3CH2OH (methanol into ethanol)!

Important note: This method involves the use of concentrated sulfuric acid, which can be hazardous. It should only be performed by trained individuals in a properly equipped laboratory with appropriate safety measures in place.