Which one of the following words means "the surgical repair of the larynx"?

What following words?

Have you looked each up at www.google.com?

stop cheating bih. ;)

To find out which one of the following words means "the surgical repair of the larynx," we can break down the question and look for clues. The term in question refers to a surgical procedure, specifically one involving the repair of the larynx. Let us examine each option and consider their meanings:

1. Rhinoplasty: This term refers to a surgical procedure that involves the repair or reshaping of the nose. It does not relate to the larynx, so we can eliminate this option.

2. Laryngoplasty: This word contains the root "laryngo," which is related to the larynx. The suffix "-plasty" generally refers to a surgical repair or reconstruction. Therefore, "laryngoplasty" is likely the correct term for the surgical repair of the larynx.

3. Otoplasty: The root "oto" pertains to the ear, not the larynx. Therefore, we can rule out "otoplasty."

In conclusion, the word that means "the surgical repair of the larynx" is most likely "laryngoplasty."