What is the best way to learn and understand Economics?

Probably enroll in a course in Intro to Economics. Also try books (I know, reading books is not cool) on the subject. Google it, try Amazon to see what's out there. What is your age?

There are also MANY lessons in both the macroeconomics and microeconomics categories here:


Click on the word Subjects and then hover your cursor over Economics and Finance. Click on the category you need and then select the subcategory and lessons. The lessons are in the form of videos, which you can play and re-play as you need.

The best way to learn and understand economics is through a combination of studying theories and concepts, reading about real-world applications, and actively engaging with the subject matter. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to learn economics effectively:

1. Start with the basics: Begin by understanding the fundamental concepts of economics such as supply and demand, market structures, opportunity cost, inflation, and monetary policy. This foundation will provide you with a framework to build upon as you delve deeper into the subject.

2. Study textbooks: Utilize well-regarded economics textbooks that cover a wide range of topics. Some popular options include "Principles of Economics" by N. Gregory Mankiw and "Economics" by Paul Krugman and Robin Wells. Read and understand the concepts thoroughly, making notes and summarizing key points as you progress.

3. Supplement with online resources: Take advantage of various online resources to enhance your understanding. Watch educational videos on platforms like Khan Academy and Crash Course Economics, which offer concise explanations and examples. Additionally, there are many reputable economics blogs and websites, such as The Economist and Investopedia, that provide analysis and insights into current economic events.

4. Engage with case studies: To grasp the practical applications of economic theories, read case studies and real-world examples. Look for books or articles that analyze economic phenomena like recessions, trade wars, or policy decisions. This will help you connect theoretical concepts to their actual impact on economies and societies.

5. Follow economic news: Stay updated with current economic affairs by regularly reading newspapers, magazines, and journals that cover economics. This will help you identify the practical implications of economic theories and observe how they shape government policies, financial markets, and global developments.

6. Practice problem-solving: Economics involves analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Enhance your understanding by working through practice problems and numerical exercises from textbooks, workbooks, or online resources. Apply economic concepts to real-life scenarios and practice analyzing data and making informed predictions.

7. Join study groups or discussion forums: Engaging in discussions with peers or joining study groups can enhance your learning experience. It allows you to exchange ideas, clarify doubts, and gain different perspectives on economic concepts.

8. Take online courses or attend lectures: Explore online courses or attend lectures related to economics. Platforms like Coursera and edX offer courses from renowned universities, allowing you to learn from expert instructors. These courses often provide interactive learning experiences and quizzes to test your knowledge.

9. Apply economics to personal finance: Connect economics with your personal finances to understand the impact of economic decisions on your own life. Analyze how macroeconomic factors such as inflation or interest rates affect your savings, investments, and consumer behavior. This practical application will make the subject more relatable and interesting.

10. Pursue higher education or degrees: If you're passionate about economics and want to specialize further, consider pursuing a degree in economics or a related field. Higher education programs provide in-depth knowledge and research opportunities, allowing you to gain expertise in specific areas within economics.

Remember that learning and understanding economics is an ongoing process. Continuously seeking knowledge and staying curious will enable you to deepen your understanding of economic theories and their real-world implications.