I'm less than a hundred, the sum of my digits 17, I am a even number



To find an even number that is less than a hundred and has a digit sum of 17, we can break the problem down into steps.

Step 1: Start with the largest possible digit as the first digit. Since the number has to be less than 100, the first digit can only be 9.

Step 2: Calculate the value left for the second digit. The sum of the remaining digits (17 - 9) is 8.

Step 3: Determine the possible values for the second digit. Since the number is even, the second digit can only be 2, 4, 6, or 8, as these are the even digits less than 10.

Step 4: Combine the possible first and second digits to get the number.
- If the second digit is 2: The number is 92. (9 + 2 = 11)
- If the second digit is 4: The number is 94. (9 + 4 = 13)
- If the second digit is 6: The number is 96. (9 + 6 = 15)
- If the second digit is 8: The number is 98. (9 + 8 = 17)

Out of these four possibilities, only the number 98 is an even number. Therefore, the number you are looking for is 98.