can you give me a noting details story

We can suggest many stories. What reading level do you want?

Master Cat

Once upon a time, the cat (“Meow, meow, meow”) and the lion (“Grrr, grrr, grrr”) were very good friends. They lived together in a cave.
The lion was very big but stupid. The cat was the wisest of all animals. He was a teacher of them all.
The animals in the forest always went to the cat’s house. They came to hear lessons. The cat taught them many tricks. The lion learned many things from the cat.
One day when the cat was teaching the animals, they heard a loud sound. All the animals ran away to hide. The monkey climbed the tree. The deer ran quickly to its home. The mouse hid in a small hole. The birds flew away. The rabbits went inside a big hole of a big tree.But the lion could not climb the tree. He knew many tricks but not climbing. He also could not run fast because he was big and heavy. So he got angry.
“Master Cat, you taught me many tricks. Why didn’t you teach me how to climb?”
“I cannot teach you everything. Some tricks are for you to learn by yourself,” said the cat as he went down the tree. Then lion became angry. He jumped at the cat. But the cat was fast. He climbed the tree at once. “From now on you and your children shall be my enemies. All lions will go after cats.”
Sulu Folktale

Yes, I can give you a story with many details. Here's a sample story:

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled among lush green mountains, there lived a young girl named Emily. Emily was known for her curious nature and love for adventure. She had a head full of wild, curly hair that matched her free-spirited personality.

One sunny morning, as Emily was exploring the woods near her house, she stumbled upon a hidden path that she had never noticed before. Intrigued, she followed the winding trail, eager to see where it would lead.

The path led her through a dense forest, where tall trees formed a canopy overhead, casting enchanting patterns of sunlight on the ground below. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the gentle symphony of chirping birds.

As Emily ventured further, she discovered a sparkling stream snaking its way through the woods. The water was crystal clear, and tiny fish darted playfully between the rocks. Entranced by the tranquil scene, Emily sat down on a mossy boulder and dipped her bare feet into the soft, cool water.

Just as she was about to continue her journey, a mischievous squirrel scurried up to her, holding a shiny acorn. Emily chuckled as she reached out, trying to catch the squirrel's attention. But instead of running away, the squirrel dropped the acorn into her hand and motioned her to follow.

Curiosity piqued, Emily decided to have a little adventure with her newfound squirrel friend. They hopped over mossy logs, crossed babbling brooks, and even climbed up a tall oak tree, all while the squirrel led the way.

Finally, after what felt like hours, they reached a secret clearing hidden deep within the forest. It was like something out of a fairytale. Colorful flowers of all shapes and sizes bloomed everywhere, and butterflies danced in the air, creating a magical display of vibrant colors.

Emily's heart swelled with wonder as she realized that she had stumbled upon a place unknown to the outside world. She stayed in the clearing until the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of golden and pink.

As the day came to a close, Emily knew she had to return home. With a heavy heart but a mind full of memories, she retraced her steps, following the path back to her small town. Emily knew that the hidden clearing would forever hold a special place in her heart, reminding her of the magic that lies just beyond our everyday lives.

So, that's the detailed story of Emily's adventure in the woods. If you would like more stories with intricate details, feel free to ask, and I'll be happy to provide another one!