My math problem is

-2(2+3)-2k = -2-4(2+2)

My answer is k=20 is this answer correct.

Quick mental calculation for you k = 20

LS = -10-40 = -50
RS = -2 - 16 = -18

nope, it is wrong.

Now show me what steps you had, so I can help you.

These are the steps after I

-4+-6-2k = -2-8 +-8
-10-2k = -2-8+-8
-2 = -18
k = 20

-2(2+3)-2k = -2-4(2+2)

-2(5)-2k = -2-4(4)
-10-2k = -2-16
-10-2k = -18
-2k = -18+10
-2k = -8
Divide both sides by (-2):
K = 4.


To solve this equation, let's simplify both sides step by step.

Starting on the left side:

-2(2+3) can be simplified by performing the operation inside the parentheses first, which gives us -2(5). Multiplying -2 by 5 yields -10.

So the left side becomes: -10 - 2k.

Now let's simplify the right side:

-4(2+2) can be simplified by performing the operation inside the parentheses first, which gives us -4(4). Multiplying -4 by 4 yields -16.

So the right side becomes: -2 - 16.

Now let's simplify both sides of the equation:

The original equation was: -10 - 2k = -2 - 16.

Combine like terms: -10 - 2k = -18.

To isolate the variable k, we will move the -10 to the right side by adding it to both sides of the equation:

-2k = -18 + 10.

Simplifying further: -2k = -8.

Now divide both sides of the equation by -2 to solve for k:

k = -8 / -2.

Simplifying the division: k = 4.

Therefore, the correct value of k is 4, not 20 as you stated.