Jill has a total of 12 1/2 hours of football practice after school five days a week.

a. How many hours of practice will he have for 15 school days? I think the answer is 37 1/2 hours.

b. How many hours of practice will he have for 22 school days? I think that the answer is 55 hours.

Please tell me if my answers are right.


2.5 * 15 = 37.5
2.5 hours per day * 22 days = 55 hours


You are welcome

To calculate the answers, we need to determine the total number of hours of practice for each scenario.

a. To find the number of hours of practice for 15 school days, we can multiply the hours of practice per day (12 1/2) by the number of days (15).

12 1/2 * 15 = 187 1/2 hours

Therefore, the correct answer is 187 1/2 hours, not 37 1/2 hours.

b. Similarly, for 22 school days, we multiply the hours of practice per day by the number of days.

12 1/2 * 22 = 275 hours

So, the correct answer is 275 hours, not 55 hours.

Your answers are incorrect for both cases.