According to the 2003 U.S. Census, approximately 129 million americans spend 3.4% of a 24-hour day commuting. How many minutes a day does a person in this group spend commuting?

24 * 60 * 0.034 = _______ minutes

To calculate the number of minutes a day a person in this group spends commuting, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert 3.4% to decimal form:
3.4% = 3.4/100 = 0.034

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by 24 hours to find how many hours a person spends commuting in a day:
0.034 * 24 = 0.816 hours

Step 3: Convert hours to minutes by multiplying by 60:
0.816 * 60 = 48.96 minutes

Therefore, a person in this group spends approximately 48.96 minutes commuting each day.