Why do less than half of the people in Russia possess a TV/radio?

I don't know where you found those statistics. According to this site, over 98% of Russian households own a TV.


Another way to look at those statistics:

Suppose a household of 5 people owns 2 TVs, that would mean that less than half the people owns a TV.

Less than half of the people in Russia possessing a TV or radio could have multiple factors contributing to it. To understand why this is the case, we can explore a few possible explanations:

1. Socioeconomic factors: One reason could be the socio-economic disparities in Russia. Not all households may have the financial means to afford a TV or radio. Income inequality and poverty levels can influence access to electronic devices like TVs and radios.

2. Technological advancements: With the rise of the internet and increasing popularity of online streaming platforms, traditional TV and radio might be losing relevance, especially among younger generations. Many people now consume media content on their smartphones, tablets, or computers, circumventing the need for a traditional TV or radio.

3. Cultural preferences: It is also possible that certain cultural factors play a role. Some people might prioritize other forms of entertainment or sources of information over TV or radio. This preference could be influenced by cultural practices, regional differences, or personal preferences.

To gain a deeper understanding of the specific reasons behind this statistic, it would be helpful to consult reliable sources such as government reports, market research studies, or demographic surveys that focus on media consumption habits in Russia. These sources can provide more accurate and up-to-date information regarding the prevalence of TV and radio ownership.