Which of the following legal publications is NOT typically updated with pocket parts?

A.Legal encyclopedias
B.Legal dictionaries

I thought it was B

The LexisNexis case abbreviation is:

I think it's LN


To determine which of the following legal publications is NOT typically updated with pocket parts, you need to understand what pocket parts are. Pocket parts are supplemental update pages that are physically inserted into a publication to provide new and updated information.

For legal encyclopedias, digest, and treatises, it is common practice to update them with pocket parts. These publications often contain extensive and detailed information, which may require periodic updates to stay current with new legal developments or changes. These pocket parts are usually published separately and can be inserted into the publication as necessary.

Legal dictionaries, on the other hand, are typically not updated with pocket parts. Legal dictionaries aim to provide definitions and explanations of legal terms and concepts, which do not change very frequently. Since the content of a legal dictionary is less likely to change with new legal developments, it is not necessary to update it with pocket parts.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is B: Legal dictionaries. They are NOT typically updated with pocket parts.

Regarding the LexisNexis case abbreviation, the correct abbreviation is LN. LexisNexis, a legal research platform, uses LN as the abbreviation for case citations. So your intuition was correct – LN is the correct answer.