in the pyramid shown in the figure , AB=9 in ., BC= 12in ,and BD= 5 in . the three face angle at B are each 90 degree . calculate the three face angles at A and the total surface of the solid.


To find the three face angles at A, we need to use trigonometry. Since AB and BC are known, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of AC.

Using the Pythagorean theorem:
AC^2 = AB^2 + BC^2
AC^2 = 9^2 + 12^2
AC^2 = 81 + 144
AC^2 = 225
AC = 15 in

Now, we can find the tangent of the angle A using the ratios of the sides:
tan(A) = BC / AB
tan(A) = 12 / 9
tan(A) = 4 / 3

Taking the inverse tangent of (4/3), we can find the value of angle A:
A = atan(4/3)
A ≈ 53.13 degrees

Since the three face angles at B are each 90 degrees, the three face angles at A are all complementary angles, which means they sum up to 180 degrees. Therefore, the other two angles at A will be:
180 - 90 - 53.13 = 36.87 degrees

So the three face angles at A are approximately 53.13 degrees, 36.87 degrees, and 90 degrees.

To calculate the total surface area of the solid pyramid, we need to find the area of the triangular faces and the base.

1. Area of the triangular face ABP:
We can calculate the area of a triangle using the formula:
Area = (base * height) / 2

The base of triangle ABP is AB = 9 in
The height of triangle ABP is BD = 5 in
Area_ABP = (9 * 5) / 2 = 22.5 in^2

2. Area of the triangular face BCP:
Using the same formula, with AB as the base and AC as the height:
Area_BCP = (9 * 15) / 2 = 67.5 in^2

3. Area of the triangular face ACP:
The base of triangle ACP is AC = 15 in
The height of triangle ACP is BD = 5 in
Area_ACP = (15 * 5) / 2 = 37.5 in^2

4. Area of the triangular face APB:
Using the same formula, with AC as the base and AB as the height:
Area_APB = (15 * 9) / 2 = 67.5 in^2

5. Area of the base ABCD:
The base is the rectangle ABCD, so its area is simply the product of its adjacent sides:
Area_base = AB * BC = 9 * 12 = 108 in^2

To find the total surface area, we sum all the areas of the faces:
Total surface area = Area_ABP + Area_BCP + Area_ACP + Area_APB + Area_base
Total surface area = 22.5 + 67.5 + 37.5 + 67.5 + 108 = 303 in^2
The total surface area of the solid pyramid is 303 square inches.

To calculate the three face angles at A, we need to determine the lengths of the other two edges connected to A. Let's find out.

From the given information, we know that AB = 9 inches, BC = 12 inches, and BD = 5 inches. Since the three face angles at B are each 90 degrees, it implies that the triangle ABC is a right triangle.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the length of AC, which is the hypotenuse of the right triangle ABC. The Pythagorean theorem states that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides in a right triangle.

So, AC^2 = AB^2 + BC^2
AC^2 = 9^2 + 12^2
AC^2 = 81 + 144
AC^2 = 225
AC = √225
AC = 15 inches

Now we have the lengths of all three edges connected to A: AB = 9 inches, BC = 12 inches, and AC = 15 inches.

To calculate the face angles at A, we can use the inverse cosine (arccos) function. The cosine of an angle is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse in a right triangle.

Angle ABD = arccos(AB/BD)
Angle ABD = arccos(9/5)

Similarly, we can calculate the other two angles at A using the lengths of the adjacent sides:

Angle ABC = arccos(AB/BC)
Angle ABC = arccos(9/12)

Angle ACB = arccos(BC/AC)
Angle ACB = arccos(12/15)

To find these angles, we need to use a calculator or a mathematical software that provides the arccos function. Please perform these calculations to determine the three face angles at A.

To calculate the total surface area of the pyramid, we need to calculate the areas of the four triangular faces and the area of the base.

The area of a triangle can be calculated using the formula: Area = 1/2 * base * height.

For the base of the pyramid, we have a right-angled triangle ABC, where AB = 9 inches and BC = 12 inches. The area of the base, which is the triangle ABC, is:

Area_base = 1/2 * AB * BC
Area_base = 1/2 * 9 * 12
Area_base = 54 square inches

For the three triangular faces, we can use the lengths of the edges to calculate their areas. Let's call the triangular faces opposite to AB, AC, and BC as faces ABD, ACD, and BCD, respectively.

The area of face ABD can be calculated as:

Area_ABD = 1/2 * AB * BD
Area_ABD = 1/2 * 9 * 5
Area_ABD = 22.5 square inches

Similarly, we can calculate the areas of faces ACD and BCD using the respective adjacent edges:

Area_ACD = 1/2 * AC * CD
Area_BCD = 1/2 * BC * CD

To calculate the area of face BCD, we need to find the length of CD. Since it is not given in the figure or provided information, we cannot determine the surface area without this additional piece of information.

So, the total surface area of the solid is:

Surface Area = Area_base + Area_ABD + Area_ACD + Area_BCD

Please note that without the length of CD, we cannot determine the total surface area accurately.