A portable music player is on sale for 20% off its original price. The sale price is $96.

What was the original price of the music player?

0.8x = 96

x = 120

To find the original price of the music player, we can use the information that the sale price is $96 and the player is on sale for 20% off.

To calculate the original price, we need to figure out what is 100% of the price after the discount. Since the discount is 20%, the sale price represents 80% of the original price.

We can set up the following equation to find the original price (represented by 'x'):

80% of x = $96

To solve for 'x', we need to divide both sides of the equation by 80% (or 0.8 as a decimal):

x = $96 / 0.8

Dividing $96 by 0.8, we find:

x = $120

Therefore, the original price of the music player was $120.