If someone could show me how to do this, I am very confused. thank you for your time.

Find the y-intercept of the line whose equation is

y = - 2.2x-7.7

just set x=0 and see what y is. That is the y-intercept -- where the graph crosses the y-axis (where x=0).

Better review the examples and graphs in your text.


To find the y-intercept of a line, we can use the equation of the line in slope-intercept form, which is y = mx + b. In this equation, "m" represents the slope of the line, while "b" represents the y-intercept.

Given the equation y = -2.2x - 7.7, we can see that the coefficient of "x" is -2.2. Therefore, the slope of the line is -2.2.

To find the y-intercept, which is the value of y when x is equal to 0, we substitute x = 0 into the equation and solve for y.

So, let's substitute x = 0 into our equation:
y = -2.2(0) - 7.7
y = -7.7

Hence, the y-intercept of the line with the equation y = -2.2x - 7.7 is -7.7.