The price of a radio was reduced by $630. This represented a 30% discount. What was the price of the radio after the discount?

0.3x = 630


To find the price of the radio after the discount, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the original price of the radio.
Let's assume the original price is "x".

Step 2: Calculate the amount of the discount.
The discount is given as 30% of the original price.

To find the amount of the discount, we can multiply the original price by the discount rate (30% or 0.30).
Discount = 0.30 * x

Step 3: Calculate the reduced price.
The reduced price is the original price minus the amount of the discount.
Reduced Price = Original Price - Discount = x - 0.30x = 0.70x

Step 4: Substitute the given information into the equation.
We are given that the price was reduced by $630, so we can set up the equation:
0.70x = $630

Step 5: Solve for x.
To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 0.70.
x = $630 / 0.70 ≈ $900

Therefore, the original price of the radio is approximately $900.

Step 6: Calculate the price after the discount.
The price after the discount is the reduced price we calculated (0.70x).
Price after discount = 0.70 * $900 ≈ $630

Therefore, the price of the radio after the discount is approximately $630.