A cake recipe requires 2 cups of milk.How many batches can be made using 2 gallons?

To find out how many batches of the cake recipe can be made using 2 gallons of milk, we need to convert gallons to cups since the recipe calls for milk in cups.

1 gallon is equivalent to 16 cups.

Therefore, 2 gallons would be equal to 2 * 16 = 32 cups.

Since 1 batch of the cake recipe requires 2 cups of milk, divide the total number of cups (32) by the number of cups needed for one batch (2) to get the number of batches that can be made.

32 cups / 2 cups = 16 batches.

So, using 2 gallons of milk, you can make a total of 16 batches of the cake recipe.

1 gallon = 16 cups