Find the value of (2/3)^4

2/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 = 16/81


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To find the value of (2/3)^4, you need to understand exponents and how to raise a fraction to a power.

The exponent in this case is 4, which means we need to multiply the fraction 2/3 by itself four times.

To do this, first raise the numerator of the fraction (2) to the power of 4. In this case, 2^4 equals 16.

Next, raise the denominator of the fraction (3) to the power of 4. In this case, 3^4 equals 81.

Finally, divide the numerator raised to the power of 4 (16) by the denominator raised to the power of 4 (81).

So, (2/3)^4 equals 16/81.