Carrie and Krystal are taking a road trip from Greenville to North Valley . Each person has her own map,and the scales on the map are different.

A.On Carrie's map, Greenville and North Valley are 4.5 inches apart.The scale on her map is 1 inch=20 miles. How far is Greenville from North Valley?

B. The scale on Krystal's map is 1 inch=18 miles. How far apart are Greenville and North Valley on Krystal's map?

4.5 in ( 20 mi/in) = 90 miles

90 miles (1 in/18 mi) = 5 inches

Great answer very helpful thank you very much

Very helpful but really didn't tell ansers i understand you don't want kids getting in trouble .🙄🤦🤷😞😥😰😳😩😤😵😬gonna get an F-


A. To find the actual distance between Greenville and North Valley using Carrie's map, we can use the scale information. The scale on Carrie's map is 1 inch = 20 miles.

Given that Greenville and North Valley are 4.5 inches apart on her map, we can set up a proportion to find the actual distance:

1 inch on her map is equal to 20 miles in reality.
4.5 inches on her map is equal to x miles in reality.

We can solve this proportion using cross multiplication:

1 inch * x miles = 4.5 inches * 20 miles
x miles = (4.5 inches * 20 miles) / 1 inch
x miles = 90 miles

So, Greenville is 90 miles away from North Valley on Carrie's map.

B. To find the distance between Greenville and North Valley on Krystal's map, we can use a similar approach. The scale on Krystal's map is 1 inch = 18 miles.

Since we already know that Greenville and North Valley are 4.5 inches apart on Carrie's map, we can set up a proportion using the scale on Krystal's map and solve for the distance on Krystal's map:

1 inch on Krystal's map is equal to 18 miles in reality.
4.5 inches on Krystal's map is equal to x miles in reality.

Using cross multiplication:

1 inch * x miles = 4.5 inches * 18 miles
x miles = (4.5 inches * 18 miles) / 1 inch
x miles = 81 miles

So, Greenville is 81 miles away from North Valley on Krystal's map.

Sorry if i get this wrong i wanna be nice but be mo spifict