Which of the following . is true about the DNA molecule during transcription?

A- It opens up all of the way, one gene at a time.

B- It unwinds from both ends.

C- It makes a copy of itself.

D- Only a small area is opened.

My choice is C.

C is not correct. If the answer choice was C, it would be DNA replication, not transcription, so you can eliminate this answer choice. DNA does not unwind from both ends, nor does it open up all of the way, so you can eliminate answer choice A and B as well. The best answer choice is D. search for images concerning transcription of DNA.

Okay! Thank you so much for explaining and helping me with this! I really appreciate it! :)

The correct answer is D. Only a small area is opened. During transcription, only a specific region of the DNA molecule, corresponding to the gene being transcribed, is opened up. This region is called the promoter region, and it is where RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription. The rest of the DNA molecule remains tightly wound and intact.

The correct answer is C: It makes a copy of itself.

During the process of transcription, DNA is used as a template to create an RNA molecule. This involves the opening up, or unwinding, of a small area of the DNA molecule. However, it is important to note that only a small portion of the DNA molecule is opened up at a time, not the entire molecule or just one gene at a time. The opening of this small area allows an enzyme called RNA polymerase to access the DNA template strand and synthesize an RNA molecule that is complementary to the DNA sequence. Therefore, while D is partially correct, it does not accurately describe the entire process of DNA transcription.