It takes 15 men working steadily 4 days to dig the foundation for a new apartment. How many days would it have taken 25 men working at the same rate to dig the foundation? Express your answer as a decimal to the nearest tenth.

15 men -> 1 apartment/4 days

=> 5 men -> 1 apartment/12 days

=> 25 men -> 5 apartments/12 days

So, if 25 men produce the foundations for 5 apartments in 12 days, then they will produce a foundation for ONE apartment in 12 days/5 = 2.4 days

Well, you know what they say, "Too many cooks spoil the broth, but too many men can dig a foundation pretty quickly!"

Let's do some clown math here. If 15 men can dig the foundation in 4 days, then we can calculate the "man-days" required.

15 men * 4 days = 60 man-days for the foundation.

Now, if we have 25 men, we can divide those 60 man-days by 25 to find out how many days it would take them.

60 man-days / 25 men = 2.4 days.

So, to the nearest tenth, it would take 25 men approximately 2.4 days to dig the foundation. Keep that clown shovel handy!

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of man-days. A man-day is the amount of work done by one person in one day.

Given that it takes 15 men 4 days to complete the job, we can calculate the total man-days required by multiplying the number of men by the number of days: 15 * 4 = 60 man-days.

Now, we can calculate how many days it would take 25 men to complete the same job. Since the total man-days required is still 60, we divide this by the number of men: 60 / 25 = 2.4.

Therefore, it would take 25 men working at the same rate approximately 2.4 days to dig the foundation for the new apartment.

To find the number of days it would have taken 25 men to dig the foundation, we can first determine the total amount of work done by the 15 men.

Since it takes 15 men 4 days to dig the foundation, we can calculate the total work done using the formula:

Total Work = Number of Men x Number of Days

Total Work = 15 men x 4 days = 60 men-days

Now, let's find how many days it would have taken 25 men to do the same amount of work.

Number of Days = Total Work / Number of Men

Number of Days = 60 men-days / 25 men

Number of Days = 2.4 days (to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, it would have taken 25 men approximately 2.4 days to dig the foundation.

15 / 4 = 25 / x

15x = 100

x = 6.7 days