Sarah has a job that pays $45,500 per year with a guaranteed pay increase of $2,000 each year for 10 years. What is the formula for Sarah’s salary, S, if she has worked x years?

A. 45,500x+2000
B. 45,500x+2000x
C. 45,500x+2,000(10)
D. 45,500x+2,000(10)x

I think it's C


The 10 years has nothing to do with this problem.

I believe there's an error in this problem. Please double check the wording of the problem and the answer choices.

Nope it's exactly worded that way but if it helps at the end of the question it says (0 ≤ x ≤ 10)

The correct statement is

Salary = 2000x + 45500 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 10 , x ∈ I

so it looks like B is the closest match.

James's answer is incorrect,
e.g. if x = 1 , the salary based on his formula is 45700
whereas it should be 47500, which is obtained with B

To determine the formula for Sarah's salary, we need to consider her initial salary and the guaranteed pay increase each year. We know that her job pays $45,500 per year initially and increases by $2,000 each year for a period of 10 years.

The formula for Sarah's salary, S, after working x years will be:
S = 45,500 + 2,000x

So, each year Sarah is adding $2,000 for each year she has worked (x years), to her initial salary of $45,500.

Therefore, the correct formula for Sarah's salary is option A: 45,500x + 2,000.

Hence, the answer is A, not C.