(Find the slope and y-intercept of the graph of each equation) y = 5x – 3

hint: the equation you have shown is called the slope-intercept form of a line. Just read off the slope and the y-intercept...

To find the slope and y-intercept of the equation y = 5x - 3, we can compare it to the standard form of a linear equation, y = mx + b.

In this equation, m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept.

From the given equation y = 5x - 3, we can see that the coefficient of x is 5. This means that the slope of the line is 5.

The constant term -3 represents the y-intercept. So, the y-intercept of the line is -3.

Therefore, the slope of the graph is 5 and the y-intercept is -3.