The cost of 4 scarves and 6 hats is $52.00. The cost of 2 hats is $1.00 more than the cost of 1 scarf. What is the cost of 1 scarf?

4s+6h = 52

2h = s+1

Now you can find both costs.


Thank you

To find the cost of 1 scarf, we can start by assigning variables to the unknowns.

Let's use:
x = cost of 1 scarf
y = cost of 1 hat

From the given information, we can form two equations:

1) "The cost of 4 scarves and 6 hats is $52.00":
4x + 6y = 52

2) "The cost of 2 hats is $1.00 more than the cost of 1 scarf":
2y = x + 1

Now we have a system of two equations. We can solve these equations simultaneously to find the values of x and y.

Let's solve the second equation for x:
2y = x + 1
Subtract 1 from both sides:
2y - 1 = x

Now substitute this expression for x in the first equation:
4x + 6y = 52
4(2y - 1) + 6y = 52
8y - 4 + 6y = 52
14y - 4 = 52
14y = 56
y = 4

Now substitute the value of y into the second equation to find x:
2y = x + 1
2(4) = x + 1
8 = x + 1
x = 7

Therefore, the cost of 1 scarf is $7.00.