How many solutions does this system have?

*3x + 6y = 10

-3x + 6y = -4

The first line should read -3x

zero solutions.

-3x+6y cannot equal both 10 and -4.
The lines are parallel, and so, do not intersect.

Thank you



To determine how many solutions this system of equations has, we can start by looking at the equations and their coefficients.

The given system has two equations:
1) 3x + 6y = 10
2) -3x + 6y = -4

We can observe that the coefficients of y in both equations are the same (6). This suggests that these two equations might represent parallel lines in the coordinate plane.

To confirm this, we need to compare the coefficients of x. In equation 1, the coefficient of x is 3, whereas in equation 2, it is -3. Since the coefficients of x have opposite signs, we can conclude that the lines represented by these equations are indeed parallel.

When two lines are parallel, they never intersect. Therefore, this system has no solution.