Mauryn wrote the following

Sandwiches at king sandwich cost same amount and include bread, meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato. All other veggies are extra. Sam bought a chicken sandwich with 3 extra veggies for $5.25. Erin bought roast beef sandwich with 5 extra veggies for $6.25. Which represents y intercept for mauryn.

A. (0, .50)
B.(0, 1.00)
C. (0, 1.50)
D. (0, 3.75)

I came up with A , is this correct?
Explain, if not...please

Since y is the cost of a sandwich with x extra veggies, the y-intercept is the cost with 0 veggies.

the two extra veggies (5-3) cost $1.00 more. So, the veggies are $0.50 each. That means 0 extra veggies (the y-intercept) must be at 5.25-1.50 = 3.75

Looks like (D) to me
y = 0.50x + 3.75

A is the price per veggie.


No, A is not correct. The correct answer is C, (0, 1.50).

Let's break down the information given:

1. Sandwiches at King Sandwich cost the same amount and include bread, meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato.
2. All other veggies are extra.

We are given two specific examples:

1. Sam bought a chicken sandwich with 3 extra veggies for $5.25.
2. Erin bought a roast beef sandwich with 5 extra veggies for $6.25.

To find the y-intercept for Mauryn, we need to determine the cost of a sandwich with no extra veggies. This represents the value on the y-axis when the x-axis (number of extra veggies) is 0.

From the given examples, we can see that Sam's chicken sandwich with 3 extra veggies costs $5.25 and Erin's roast beef sandwich with 5 extra veggies costs $6.25.

By subtracting the cost of the extra veggies, we can find the base price of the sandwiches:

1. Sam's chicken sandwich: $5.25 - (3 extra veggies x cost per extra veggie) = $5.25 - 3x
2. Erin's roast beef sandwich: $6.25 - (5 extra veggies x cost per extra veggie) = $6.25 - 5x

Since both sandwiches include the same ingredients and have the same base price, we can equate them:

$5.25 - 3x = $6.25 - 5x

Simplifying the equation:

2x = 1

Solving for x:

x = 0.5

So, when there are 0 extra veggies, the base price of the sandwiches is $0.50.

Therefore, the correct answer is C, (0, 1.50).

No, the correct answer is D. (0, 3.75).

To find the y-intercept, we need to determine the cost of the sandwich without any extra veggies, which is represented by the cost of "y" when the number of extra veggies is 0.

Let's analyze the given information:
- Sam bought a chicken sandwich with 3 extra veggies for $5.25.
- Erin bought a roast beef sandwich with 5 extra veggies for $6.25.

From this, we can set up two equations to represent their purchases:
1. 5.25 = y + 3x (Sam's purchase, where y is the cost of the sandwich and x is the number of extra veggies)
2. 6.25 = y + 5x (Erin's purchase)

To find the y-intercept, we need to find the value of y when x = 0. By substituting x = 0 into both equations, we have:
1. 5.25 = y + 3 * 0
2. 6.25 = y + 5 * 0

Simplifying these equations, we get:
1. 5.25 = y
2. 6.25 = y

So, the y-intercept is 5.25 or 6.25, depending on the sandwich. However, both options are not listed among the answer choices.

Therefore, it seems that there may be some inconsistency in the given information or answer choices. As it stands, none of the provided answer choices accurately represent the y-intercept for Mauryn.