Penguins are black and white.

Some old TV shows are black white.
Therefore, some penguins are old TV shows.

Is this a valid and unsound argument?

valid AND unsound?

No, this argument is not valid and unsound. Let me explain why.

This argument is an example of a fallacy called "affirming the consequent." It assumes that if two things share a common characteristic (in this case, being black and white), they must also share other characteristics (in this case, being penguins and old TV shows). However, this assumption is flawed.

To determine the validity of an argument, we need to check if the conclusion logically follows from the premises. In this case, even though penguins and old TV shows share the characteristic of being black and white, it does not mean that they are the same thing or that they are related in any meaningful way.

Additionally, the argument is unsound because it relies on a false assumption. It is not true that all old TV shows are black and white. While some old TV shows were indeed in black and white, there were also old TV shows that were in color. Therefore, the premise that "some old TV shows are black and white" is not universally true.

In summary, the argument is not valid because the conclusion does not logically follow from the premises, and it is unsound due to the false assumption that all old TV shows are black and white.