Explain how a scientist would use DNA or protien sequences taken from three different organisms to create a cladogram

To create a cladogram using DNA or protein sequences from three different organisms, a scientist would follow these steps:

1. Collect DNA or protein sequences: The scientist would obtain the DNA or protein sequences for the target genes from each of the three organisms. This can be done using various techniques such as DNA sequencing or protein isolation and purification.

2. Sequence alignment: The scientist would align the sequences of the target genes from the three organisms. This involves identifying and arranging corresponding nucleotides or amino acids across the sequences.

3. Identify similarities and differences: By analyzing the aligned sequences, the scientist would compare the similarities and differences between the organisms. Similarities indicate a common ancestry, while differences suggest evolutionary divergence.

4. Determine the degree of relatedness: The scientist would quantify the degree of relatedness between the organisms using various methods, such as calculating the percentage of shared nucleotides or amino acids.

5. Construct a phylogenetic tree: Based on the degree of relatedness, the scientist would construct a cladogram, which is a type of phylogenetic tree. The cladogram represents the evolutionary relationships among the organisms and indicates their shared ancestry.

6. Interpret the cladogram: Finally, the scientist would interpret the cladogram to understand the evolutionary history and relationships between the organisms. The cladogram can illustrate the order of divergence, common ancestors, and the relative recency of evolutionary events.

It is important to note that creating a cladogram is a complex process that often involves sophisticated computational methods and statistical analysis. Scientists may also consider additional data, such as morphological traits, geographical distribution, and fossil records, to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the cladogram.