Explain how a scientist would use DNA or protien sequences taken from three different organisms to create a cladogram?

U not Mrs sue stop bullying kids and being an imposter.

Stop being rude. Really, you imposter! Mind your own bee's wax and if you wanna help, sure go ahead. But cussing is so not allowed.

Ms. sue is banned now.

But not mRs. Sue

To create a cladogram using DNA or protein sequences from three different organisms, a scientist would follow a systematic approach. Here's an explanation of the general process involved:

1. Obtaining DNA or Protein Sequences: The scientist would start by collecting DNA or protein sequences from the three organisms they want to analyze. These sequences can be obtained through various methods, such as DNA sequencing or protein extraction.

2. Sequence Alignment: Once the sequences are obtained, the scientist needs to align them. Sequence alignment involves comparing the similarities and differences between the sequences and identifying corresponding regions.

3. Identifying Homologous Sequences: After alignment, the scientist identifies homologous sequences. Homologous sequences are similar segments across different organisms that are derived from a common ancestor.

4. Constructing a Data Matrix: The next step is to create a data matrix, which represents the presence or absence of specific characters or traits across the organisms. The matrix can be binary, with "1" representing the presence and "0" representing the absence of a particular trait.

5. Phylogenetic Analysis: Using the data matrix, the scientist applies algorithms and computational methods to conduct a phylogenetic analysis. This analysis calculates the degree of similarity between the organisms based on the shared characteristics or traits.

6. Building the Cladogram: Finally, the scientist constructs a cladogram, also known as a phylogenetic tree. The cladogram visually represents the evolutionary relationships between the organisms. It organizes the organisms into nested hierarchical branches, depicting common ancestors and diverging lineages.

It's important to note that constructing a cladogram using DNA or protein sequences is a complex process that requires expertise in genetics, bioinformatics, and statistical analysis. Multiple software tools are available to assist scientists in carrying out these steps effectively.


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